SCSS Nesting
Avoid unnecessary nesting. Just because you can nest, doesn’t mean you should. Consider nesting only if you must scope styles to a parent and if there are multiple elements to be nested.
// Bad nesting
.parent {
h1 { }
span { }
a { }
// Good nesting (in this case no nesting)
.parent-heading { }
.parent-subheading { }
.parent-permalink { }
// Bad nesting
.parent {
.parent-child { }
.parent-child2 { }
.parent-modifier { }
.parent-modifier2 { }
// Good nesting
.parent-child { }
.parent-child2 { }
.parent-modifier { }
.parent-modifier2 { }
Additional reading:
More Stylesheets tutorials
SCSS Math Operators
Best practices for writing easy to maintain stylesheets.
CSS Syntax
Best practices for writing easy to maintain stylesheets.
CSS Shorthand Notation
Best practices for writing easy to maintain stylesheets.
CSS Selectors
Best practices for writing easy to maintain stylesheets.
CSS Media Queries
Best practices for media queries inside your stylesheets.
CSS Declaration Order
Best practices for order of declarations inside stylesheet elements.
CSS Class Names
Best practices for writing easy to maintain stylesheets.
Code Comments
Best practices for writing easy to maintain code.
SCSS Extend and Mixin
Best practices for writing easy to maintain stylesheets.