TTWeb Media 2. Photo Galleries
Photo galleries are another custom content type that you can access under the Content section of a draft. Users can create named galleries and easily select images from the library, add alt text and captions and sort them.
The gallery structures are stored in JSON files under /_data/_galleries/
Single Gallery
<div class="row">
Multiple Galleries (Filtered)
<div class="row">
<select class="filter-select">
<option value="all" class="filter active">All</option>
<option value="GALLERY_NAME_1" class="filter">GALLERY NAME 1</option>
<option value="GALLERY_NAME_2" class="filter">GALLERY NAME 2</option>
<option value="GALLERY_NAME_3" class="filter">GALLERY NAME 3</option>
<option value="GALLERY_NAME_4" class="filter">GALLERY NAME 4</option>
// Gallery Filter Function
$(".filter-select").on("change", function () {
// Remove active class from everything
$(".filter-select option").each( function() {
// Add active class to selected option
$(".filter-select option:selected").addClass('active');
// Assign filter variable
var $filter = $(".filter-select option:selected").attr("value");
// If we select "All," show all
if ($filter == 'all') {
$(".fancybox").attr("data-fancybox-group", "gallery").not(":visible").fadeIn();
} else {
$(".fancybox").fadeOut(0).filter(function () {
// set data-filter value as the data-rel value of selected
return $(this).data("filter") == $filter;
}).attr("data-fancybox-group", $filter).fadeIn(1000); // set data-fancybox-group and show filtered elements
Gallery Regions
In bedrock there are a couple of region types specifically for managing galleries on a web page
- On-Page Gallery: This actually doesn’t use galleries at all, but just lets a user select a collection of images and sort them. This ad-hoc gallery can’t be used elsewhere on the site
- Galleries: This region type lets a user select from the exist galleries, apply a custom label and sort the gallery orders. To sort images within the gallery they need to go to the gallery interface itself. These galleries can be re-used throughout the site.