TTWeb Media 1. Media Library and Galleries

The media library automatically creates multiple sizes of all uploaded image assets. Videos are processed similarly. Both are stored with max sizes so even if a user uploads a large raw file, the assets sizes are limited for web delivery.

You can access the original size CDN asset by clicking the chain icon in the Media Library inside

Media Library Links

The sizes created are:

xlarge: 1920px x 1920px
large: 1200px x 1200px
medium: 992px x 992px
small: 768px x 768px
xsmall: 300px x 300px
thumb: 140px x 140px

All of the files will be created by the CMS even if the original is smaller than the listed sizes. For example, if the file uploaded to the CMS is 300px x 300px, the xsmall, small, medium, and large files will still exist, but they will all be 300px x 300px.

The files are stored in Cloudinary and the URLs are stored in _assets/image_data/ json files. It will look something like:

  "name": "10870512593_e53417ac37_z",
  "content_type": "image/jpeg",
  "date_added": "2019-03-29-054103",
  "url_thumb": "//,g_faces,h_140,w_140/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "url_xsmall": "//,h_300,w_300/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "url_small": "//,h_768,w_768/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "url_medium": "//,h_992,w_992/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "url_large": "//,h_1200,w_1200/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "url_xlarge": "//,h_1920,w_1920/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "url": "//,h_2500,w_2500/v1553852463/z71u5oqwupu8j6tygrkq.jpg",
  "width": 640,
  "height": 427,
  "format": "jpg",
  "url_raw": "//",
  "resource_type": "image",
  "size": 253701

You can use the sized URLs (which are pregenerated) or use cloudinary JS tools to take the url_raw value and generate custom sizes (amongst many other transformations).