Maintenance Workflow

Ticket is evaluated based on the type of request:

  1. Content Update
    • Make the content update and then scan with Lighthouse.
  2. Code Update
    • Ticket is evaluated based on the amount of time it would take to complete.

    • If the work would take longer then an hour, move to a Trello Card for that hotel, link to the card from the ticket private notes. Link back to the ticket from the Trello Card. Follow Trello development process.

    • If less then an hour, complete the ticket, but request a code review (assigned US developer for the week) and scan with Lighthouse.

  3. Third Party Snippet (Mandatory Code Review)
    • Ticket is evaluated based on the amount of time it would take to complete.

    • If the work would take longer then an hour, move to a Trello Card for that hotel, link to the card from the ticket private notes. Link back to the ticket from the Trello Card. Follow Trello development process.

    • If less then an hour, complete the ticket, but request a code review (assigned US developer for the week) and scan with Lighthouse.