CSS Class Names
- Keep classes lowercase and use dashes (not underscores or camelCase). Dashes serve as natural breaks in related class (e.g.,
). - Avoid excessive and arbitrary shorthand notation.
could be used for button, but.s
doesn’t mean anything. - Keep classes as short and succinct as possible.
- Do not be afraid to use longer names when nessasary.
- Use meaningful names; use structural or purposeful names over presentational.
- Prefix classes based on the closest parent or base class.
- Use IDs to target with Javascript, but keep these IDs out of your CSS.
It’s also useful to apply many of these same rules when creating Sass variable names.
// Bad example
.t { ... }
.red { ... }
.header { ... }
// Good example
.tweet { ... }
.important { ... }
.tweet-header { ... }
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