Conversion Plus


  • Item Name : Conversion Plus
  • Item Version : v 1.0
  • Elements : Scarcity and Urgency Message, Exit Intent, Versatile Popup, Rate Compare Widget

Quick start

Looking to quickly add Conversion Plus to your hotel website? Download ready-to-use compiled code.



Copy-paste the stylesheet into your <head> before all other stylesheets to load our CSS.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="conversion-plus/cp-styles.css">


Place the following <script>s near the end of your pages, right before the closing </body> tag to enable them. jQuery must come first and then our JavaScript plugins.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="conversion-plus/rt-widgets.js"></script>

Scarcity and Urgency Messages

Scarcity & Urgency

Call Plugin

     hotelId: 'KEY24N', //hotel id                       
     portalId: '24northhotel' // subdomain from reztrip             
   var Scarcity = new TTwidget.ScarcityToaster({                       
     bookedTemplate : "Booked {{:bookings}} times in 48 hours",              
     minBooked : 500,         
     roomsleftTemplate : "Hurry Up!!! {{:rooms}} rooms left",              
     PageMatch: 'rooms'


Variable Default Type Description
bookedTemplate Booked {{:bookings}} times in last 48 hours string This variable allows you to set the custom message template and the string {{:bookings}} to show the total number of bookings. eg(22)
minBooked 1 Integer Message will only appear if total bookings are greater than number of minBooked variable
roomsleftTemplate Hurry Up!!! {{:rooms}} rooms left string This varibale allows you to set the custom message template and the string {{:rooms}} to show the total number of rooms left. eg(5)
roomsLeft 5 integer Message will only appear if total rooms left are less than 5
PageMatch false string This varibale will allow you to show the widget only on the specific pages. Use comma(,) separated value in it. eg( rooms,offer) without any space. It will match the string from url
newestOnTop false boolean To show the Scarcity and Urgency messages append in an order
timeOut 5000 integer It refers to the longetivity of the Scarcity message.
delayTime 1000 integer Time delay to show the Scarcity and Urgency messages.
positionClass toast-bottom-left string Placement of scarcity and urgency messages on screen. Choose one position from the given below options: ‘toast-top-left’,’toast-top-right’,’toast-bottom-right’,’toast-bottom-left ‘,’toast-top-center’,’toast-bottom-center’
progressBar false boolean Show the progress bar below each message.
PrimaryColor false string Use Hex Color Code for Message background. eg(‘#FF0000’)

Versatile Offer Popup

Versatile Popup

Call Plugin

    var ConversionPlusOffer = new TTwidget.SpecialOffer({
         hideOnClose: true,
         startDate: '2018-05-23',
         endDate: '2018-06-25',
         PageMatch: 'offers,rooms',
         PrimaryColor: '#d05600',
         jsonUrl : '/special-offer-popup.json' //should be in jsonp format



Variable Default Type Description
hideOnClose true boolean Once you click on the cross icon, popup will hide and popup indicator will act as a reminder .
startDate 2018-05-23 date Campaign start date
endDate 2018-05-23 date Campaign end date
PageMatch false string This varibale will allow you to show the widget only on the specific pages. Use comma(,) separated value in it. eg( rooms,offer) without any space. It will match the string from url
PrimaryColor false string Use Hex Color Code for Message background. eg(‘#FF0000’)
cta_text Book Now string Call to Action text (Book Now Button) Label
jsonUrl /special-offer-popup.json string Load the json file of offers details jsonCallback({"special_rates": \[{ "rate_plan_name":"Exclusive Offer", "short_description": "Stay Longer and Save Up To 30%", "rate_plan_code": "DISAP", "lead_photo_url": { "yankee_large":"" }, "promo_url": "" }]});

Exit Intent Messages / Idle Popup

Exit Intent Popup

Call Plugin

    var ExitIntentPopup = new TTwidget.ExitIntent({
        PrimaryColor: '#d05600',
        CheckInactive: false,
        oncePerSession: false,
        idleTime: 5000,
        delay: 5000,
        jsonUrl : '/special-offer-popup.json' //should be in jsonp format


Variable Default Type Description
PrimaryColor false string Use Hex Color Code for Message background. eg(‘#FF0000’)
themeStyle style3 string Choose skin option from three different styles “style1”,”style2”,”style3”
oncePerSession false boolean If it appears once, it won’t appear in same session again.
CheckInactive false boolean It will act as Idle visitor message if the varaible is true
delay 0 integer Time delay to show the message
cta_text Book Now string Call to Action text (Book Now Button) Label
jsonUrl /special-offer-popup.json string Load the json file of offers details jsonCallback({"ExitIntent":{ "title": "Get 10% Discount", "message": "After 5 seconds, move your mouse above this page", "image": "master.jpg", "promo_url": "#?boooking" }});