TTWeb Advanced Config 2. CMS Menu Config

A developer can customize the appearance and content of left-hand navigation for both the Content and Draft Settings areas of a draft. The files for setting these menus are, respectively,

  • _cms_config/content_nav.yml
  • _cms_config/settings_nav.yml

If not present, all of the menu items will just be displayed alphabetically.

Each file consists of a top-level key “items” which is an array of objects, each of which must have the key “id”.

For the Content area, the id key should be the file name of a model definition (without .json), a special key that’s one of

  • __pages__ (links to the Pages list)
  • __menus__ (links to the site menu interface)
  • __galleries__ (links to the gallery editor interface)

or another unique value used for grouping.

For the Settings area, the id key should be the file name of a content setting file in the _data directory (without .yml), a special key that’s one of

  • __environment_settings__ (links to the the main Draft Settings/Info page)
  • __redirects__ (links to the redirects interface)

or another unique value used for grouping.

Each item in the array may also have a “label” key with localized content to specify the text in the menu. Each item in the array may also have a “items” key with a list of subitems to show in grouped section of the menu.

example _cms_config/content_nav.yml:

  - id: posts
  - id: __pages__
  - id: __menus__
  - id: __galleries__
  - id: attractions
  - id: dining
  - id: events
  - id: offers
  - id: room_content
      en: Room Content
      - id: rooms
      - id: room_amenities
      - id: room_bed_types
  - id: reviews

example _cms_config/settings_nav.yml:

  - id: __environment_settings__
  - id: __redirects__
  - id: analytics
  - id: brg_configuration
  - id: conversion_plus
  - id: hotel_settings
  - id: seo
  - id: social
  - id: verification